Category Archives: Uncategorized

James Corden Makes Writer Binge “Game Of Thrones” In One Sitting

You might think working on a TV show would be a dream come true, and you’d be right, until your co-workers discover something about you that can be exploited for laughs. As soon as James Corden learned that one of his writers had never watched Game Of Thrones, The Late Late Show host set out…MORE

Don’t Fall For This Infuriating Phone Charger Prank At The Airport

As if the airport wasn’t stressful enough, watching your phone’s battery icon tick down while you’re waiting to get through security and suffering through delays can really have you on edge. Before you take out your charger and seek somewhere to plug in, you might want to make sure your eyes aren’t deceiving you. Pranksters…MORE

“Game of Thrones” Director Teases Dire Scene in Season 8

Prepare yourself for something as shocking as the Red Wedding scene when you watch the final season of Game of Thrones. The director of the Red Wedding episode, David Nutter, was asked if GoT fans should expect something as shocking as that scene. Nutter said, “The short answer is – Yes.” He also said the…MORE

Wedding Guest Not Happy With “Pathetic” Catering

Weddings get expensive very quickly, so sometimes couples will need to get creative to keep costs down. Unfortunately, that didn’t sit well with one of the guests. Taking to a wedding shaming Facebook group, the woman posted pics of the “pathetic” catering spread, which shocked the other members of the page. Trays of “plastic cheeses,”…MORE

‘Selfie’ Taken At Kalamazoo Fatal Fire

A fire started Thursday night in the 700 block of Academy in Kalamazoo and two officers decided to take a selfie in front of the fire that ended claiming two lives that night. The photo was posted on one of the individual’s social media but has since been removed.MORE

Meijer Gardens 2019 Line Up

Meijer Gardens just announced their 2019 line up and it is reeeaaallllyyyy good this year! Some of the big acts include Sarah McLachlan, Dawes, Iron & Wine, The Stray Cats and Mandolin Orange 21 of the 30 concerts are feature artists who’ve performed at Meijer Gardens previously! It’s how you know it’s summer in West…MORE

Waterfront Condos With Lake Michigan Views Going Up

Who is looking for a gorgeous condo on the shores of lake Michigan? Washington Landing Condos is starting construction this fall in Michigan City on the new 100 Washington Landing condo building. These condos will have gorgeous views of Lake Michigan and a “signature restaurant.” The condos will have 52 units and will stand 5 stories tall…MORE

Doctor Finds Bees Living in Woman’s Eye

A doctor in Taiwan found four sweat bees that had taken up residence in a 28-year-old woman’s eye. The woman was said to be pulling weeds when the bees flew into her eyes. Dr. Hong Chi Ting ended up pulling each bee out by its legs and the woman will make a full recovery from…MORE

How Do You Get Into This “Room for Rent?”

An online ad for a “room for rent” in London puzzled some people. Mainly because there was no clear way to get inside. The three photos showed a wardrobe cabinet against one wall, a bed and a window against another and two other walls with no visible doors. One person looked closely and said, “The…MORE

These As Seen On TV Products Are Totally Worth Your Money

You know the drill: You’re up way past when you should have gone to bed, TV blaring some infomercial while you scroll on your phone. But you might want to peek past the smaller screen when these products are featured. According to Taste Of Home, these “As Seen On TV” items are worthy of shouting,…MORE
